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Policies and Procedures

Matanzas High School believes that all students are responsible for helping to maintain a safe and orderly environment. The policies and procedures listed below are to assist students in maintaining this environment.


Student lockers may be rented for $5.00, and they will be assigned in the first two weeks of school during lunch.

P.E. Uniforms

Physical Education (P.E.) uniforms cost $25.00 and can be purchased through the student's P.E. teacher or during Freshmen Orientation, which is usually held the week before school starts.

Report Cards

Report cards are distributed in November, February, April, and June. Progress reports are distributed in September, December, February, and May.

Student IDs

Student IDs are issued at the beginning of the school year in the Media Center. All students are given one ID free of charge and are responsible for maintaining it throughout the school year. Replacement IDs cost $5 and can be obtained in the Media Center.

Driving Rules and Procedures

  • A principal or designee may search including but not limited to, their person, briefcase, book bag, purse, package, locker, storage area in vehicle, upon reasonable suspicion of prohibited or illegally possessed substances or objects (F.S.S. 1006.09).
  • All vehicles must be properly registered. All students must have a school-issued parking permit to be allowed to park on campus. Students are to park in their assigned areas. Parking permits must be placed in the lower left hand corner of the front windshield. Vehicles not properly registered or parked will be issued a school citation or towed at the owner's expense. This includes vehicles with non-visible parking permits. After three citations, a student’s driving privilege can be suspended or revoked at the discretion of the principal or designee.
  • Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA to be eligible to park on campus. Grades will be checked each nine weeks and driving privileges will be suspended for those students who fall below a 2.0 GPA. A $5.00 fee will be charged for those reapplying for their parking permit due to GPA. To replace a parking permit for any reason, the student must purchase a new one for $30.00.
  • Students will not use their cars as lockers and will not return to the parking lot during the school day, including lunch breaks and class changes. Students will exit their cars and parking lot immediately upon entering school.
  • Before the start of school all students who drive on campus should only enter and exit campus through the North Entrance that leads to Matanzas Woods Parkway. After the start of school all students must enter through the gate by the Guard Shack.
  • All students who drive on campus must obey the 15 mph speed limit at all times.
  • All students must follow the marked areas for movement of traffic on campus. Students cannot drive over the cones or sidewalks on campus. Please do not move cones.
  • All students must stop for school buses and pedestrians in the crosswalk. All pedestrians have the right-of-way.
  • All students must park in the back student designated parking lots. No students are allowed to park in the front parking lot. No parking is allowed on the grass anywhere on campus. Must be in a designated spot.
  • No reckless driving (ie: donuts in dirt parking lot, riding in the back of truck beds, riding with students standing through sunroofs or hanging out of windows).
  • If an emergency occurs that requires you to drive another vehicle to school, please report to the front office upon arriving at school to receive a temporary permit. Make arrangements to arrive at school early enough so getting a temporary pass does not cause you to be late (not an excuse).
Suspension or Loss of Parking Privileges

The following are examples of behaviors that will result in the suspension or loss of parking privileges on campus. Parking permits must be turned in once privileges are suspended. Student driving privileges are reinstated at the discretion of the principal or designee. 

  • Reckless driving and/or speeding. Maximum speed is 15 mph.
  • Students who fall below a 2.0 GPA.
  • Leaving campus without following school checkout procedures.
  • Transporting unauthorized students off campus.
  • Vandalism to school or personal property.
  • Failure to park within marked parking areas/blocking gates of traffic lanes.
  • Parking in faculty or visitor parking.
  • Parking an unregistered vehicle on campus.
  • Accumulating five or more tardies to school per semester.
  • Having five or more unexcused absences per semester.
  • You may not have debts. All debts must be cleared before purchasing a parking decal.

Matanzas High School does not assume responsibility for your vehicle or other personal items. Please help by keeping your vehicle locked and valuables kept out of sight.


MHS Parking Registration Form 2024-25

MHS Driving Rules, Procedures, & Parking Privileges