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Allied Health

The Matanzas High School Allied Health program will be offered in the 25-26 School Year.

Allied Health Logo

Advent Health is currently the largest employer in Flagler County, and their workforce needs are growing. The upward trend in health-related career growth can be seen throughout the state and nation. It is an excellent time for students to pursue a health-related career path. 

The MHS Allied Health medical program of study is a 3–4 year program focused on preparing students for a career in the medical field. 

Course Sequence

1. Medical Skills and Services
2.Health Science Anatomy and Physiology
3. Health Science Foundations
4. Allied Health Assisting
5. ECG

Related Courses

AICE Physical Education (Kinesiology and Physical Movement)
AICE Biology
ACIE Chemistry

Acceleration Opportunities

Students would have the opportunity to earn the PCT (Patient Care Technician) certification through completion of Allied Health 3. Students who are able to enter the sequence in 9th grade would additionally have the option to complete ECG certification.

hands on laptop with teal stethoscope
medical professionals looking at scans
Career Possibilities:

Medical Professional