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Future Educators

The Matanzas High School Future Educators curriculum provides students the competencies and skills needed to become a professional in the field of education.  This includes an understanding of education in the United States, the ability to work effectively with all students, educational technology, classroom management, student assessment, communication skills, and other skills needed to support the learning activities of students.  

Matanzas Future Educator Logo

This course is designed to focus on the profession of teaching and related careers – history, purposes, issues, ethics, laws and regulations, roles, and qualifications. Emphasis is placed on identifying the current, historical, philosophical and social perspectives of American education, including trends and issues. During the course students will participate in guided observations and field experiences in multiple settings to help them assess their personal interest in pursuing careers in this field and to identify effective learning environments. Students will begin the development of a working portfolio to be assembled upon completion of the program. 

Course Sequence

1. Intro to the Teaching Profession
2. Human Growth & Development
3. Foundations of Curriculum & Instruction

MHS Future Educators collaborationg
MHS Future Educator student hanging bulletin board
future educator students working on project
bulletin board created by MHS Future Educators
MHS Future Educator student reading to younger student
future educator student creating poster
Career Possibilities:

School Administrator
Curriculum Developer
College Professor