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Marketing & Finance

The Matanzas High School Marketing & Finance program is a once in a lifetime experience, providing opportunities for students to learn about marketing through various outlets.

MHS Marketing and Finance Logo
Marketing Program

Marketing students collectively come together to learn how to recognize advertisements and how businesses market to specific demographics. Students participate in competitive DECA challenges that test them to their limits throughout the year.

This program offers industry certifications that target key aspects of the marketing world to further educate our emerging leaders about marketing as a whole.

VyStar High School Branch Program

VyStar provides Matanzas High School students with hands-on, real-world experience that cannot be taught in the classroom. The day-to-day operations of our high school branch is managed by a team of students under the supervision of their school instructor.

VyStar High School Branch Program

Course Sequence

1. Marketing Essentials
2. Marketing Applications
3. Marketing Management

Acceleration Opportunities

Students would have the opportunity to earn the Intuit Entrepreneurship & Small Business Certification.

Matanzas High School Marketing Lab
marketing student writes letting to Stetson, received SWAG from the university
Matanzas High School Marketing Lab
marketing students taste test unique oreo flavors
Matanzas High School Marketing Lab
marketing students create stop motion animation with Full Sail
Matanzas High School Marketing Lab
marketing students earn industry certification and receive shirts
Matanzas High School Marketing Lab
Matanzas High School Marketing Lab
Matanzas High School Marketing Lab
Matanzas High School Marketing Lab
Career Possibilities:

Social Media Marketing
Marketing Analyst